In these Sheet Masks, Casmara presents a natural material that is reinforced with small pearls of inductive and intelligent nano-magnets that stimulate the skin’s cellular magnetism. With this Biomagnetic Technology, blood circulation is stimulated in the skin. The magnetism created pushes the active ingredients impregnated in the mask into the skin, enhancing its action and achieving multiple benefits.
As a result, the skin shows smooth, revitalized and rejuvenated in 15 minutes.
Who is this for?
- Stimulates the synthesis of collagen and inhibits the enzymes degradating it, while improving the skin elasticity and firmness.
- Reduces wrinkles in depth and quantity.
- Prevents the appearance of dark spots and evens the skin tone..
- Protects the cell nucleus and provides extra energy.
- Binds moisture and prevents skin dehydration.
Firmer and suppler skin. Softened wrinkles. Revitalized and energized skin. Hydrated and protected skin. Even skin tone.